

Albert County, New Brunswick



1915 Colpitts Family Reunion at Forest Glen, Albert Co. 

The following text was transcribed Donald Colpitts from the Friday, September 3rd. edition of the Moncton Daily Times.  Thank you Don for this and your other contributions to Albert Co. GenWeb pages.  It is very much appreciated.

Moncton Daily Times
Friday, Sept. 3rd, 1915


Fifth Re-union of Colpitts Family Held Thursday, September 2nd, on Farm of Ralph Colpitts at Forest Glen 

- A Large Gathering, and Beautiful Weather for Picnic - Names of Those Registering - To Erect Monument to Ancestors.

(Special to the Times)

Petitcodiac, Sept. 2.  The fifth of the Colpitts Re-union, which was started fifteen years ago, was held on Ralph Colpitts farm, Forest Glen, Thursday. There was an exceedingly large number of the Colpitts family on the grounds, with their friends from outlying districts. The day was exceedingly fine, the sun shining the whole day, making it a little too warm for the picnickers. This reunion is held every five years in different parts of Westmorland and Albert Counties. Mr. R. R. Colpitts, of Moncton, is the president, and Mr. R. J. Colpitts, of St John, secretary. Large refreshments tables were scattered over the ground, containing large quantities of eatable and were well patronized. Ice cream and soft drinks were to be had.

Early in the afternoon  photographs of the large gathering were taken by Percy N. Crandall, and John W. Colpitts, Moncton. Automobiles and carriages carried quite a contingent to the grounds from outlying places and a large number came by rail. Handshaking and renewing old acquaintances was the order of the day recalling history of the olden times to the present. The younger element enjoyed themselves roaming through the fields, while others sat under the tree in the shade. The committee in charge did all in their power to make the affair the success that it was.

Order was called by the President, R. R. Colpitts, Moncton, and the secretary read the minutes of the previous re-union which was held five years ago, making a brief reference to correspondence he had received from members of the Colpitts families from different parts of the world. A motion was put before the gathering proposing to erect a monument for Robert Colpitts and Margaret  Wade, who came from England in 1773. This motion was seconded and carried unanimously. The election of officers was then proceeded with and resulted as follows:  President, F. W. S. Colpitts, Moncton. Secretary-Treasurer, R. J. Colpitts, St. John. 

Committee - Wm. A. Colpitts, Elgin, N.B., Lane Colpitts, Colpitts, N.B., R. M. Colpitts, Woodstock, N.B., H. H. Colpitts, Moncton, N.B., Otto Bleakney, Elgin, N.B., Robert Day, McDonald Point, N.B., E. L. Colpitts, Alfred Parker, Parkindale, N.B., Wm. Horsman, Forest Glen, N. B.

It was decided to hold the next reunion, five years hence in Colpitts. Mr. F. W. S. Colpitts, the newly elected president, addressed the gathering. Mr. Colpitts thanked those present for the honor they had bestowed upon him.

The crowd then made their way back down the field where sports were to take place. Mayor McAnn, Rev. Mr. Goodwin, Ex-Mayor W. K. Gross, of Moncton, were among the interested visitors.

The result of the sports follows:

Girl's Race, Won by Clara Leaman, Nixon, Albert Co.
Boys' Race, Earle Saunders, The Glades, N.B.
Girls' Race, Elizabeth Colpitts, Grand Bay.

Those registered were:

Mrs. R. O. Morse, North River, N.B.
John W. Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N.B.
Mrs. J. W. Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N.B.
Freddie Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N.B.
Mrs. Jas. Killam, Petitcodiac, N.B.
F. E. Colpitts, Petitcodiac, N.B.
Crystal Colpitts, Petitcodiac, N.B.
Philip Colpitts, Petitcodiac, N.B.
Mrs. A. L. Dotten, Moncton, N.B.
Mrs. Jas. Doyle, Moncton, N.B.
Mrs. B. W. Kay, Moncton, N.B.
Elizabeth Doyle, Moncton, N.B.
Dorothy Davidson, Moncton, N.B.
Jennie S. Jones, Grangeville, Kent County
Burton W. Colpitts, Little River
Mr. H. H. Saunders, The Glades, N. B.
Max Saunders, The glades, N. B.
Earle Saunders, The Glades, N.B.
Rev. H. H. Saunders, The Glades, N. B.
James W. Colpitts, Point de Bute, N.B.
Mrs. W. Colpitts, Point de Bute, N.B.
Mrs. E. P. Hoar, Moncton, N. B.
R. Byron Colpitts, Moncton, N.B.
Mrs. C. D. Colpitts, St. John, N.B.
Mr. C. D. Colpitts, St. John, N.B.
Miss Vivian Colpitts, St. John, N. B.
Miss Elva Cain, Moncton, N.B.
R. R. Colpitts, Moncton, N. B.
Mrs. R. R. Colpitts, Moncton, N. B.
A Lorne Colpitts, Moncton, N.B.
Miss Clara Colpitts, Moncton, N. B.
Miss F. Gertrud Hamilton, Upper Sackville, N. B.
Mrs. Stephen H. Taylor, Salisbury, N. B.
Mr. and  Mrs. G. H. Prosser, Forest Hill
R. J. Colpitts, St. John
Mrs. R. J. Colpitts, St. John
Elizabeth Colpitts, St. John
Margaret Colpitts, St. John
Gordon Colpitts, St. John
Robert Colpitts, St. John
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison, Moncton
C. L. Henry, Salisbury
Vera J. Miton and Ruby B. Goggin, Elgin
R. H. Goggon, Petitcodiac
Mrs. W. C. Snow, Lewisville, N. B.
Miss Winnie Snow, Lewisville, N. B.
Mrs. Jas. Best, Moncton, N. B.
Mrs. H. L. Brewster, Moncton, N. B.
Florence Brewster, Moncton, N. B.
Wendell Brewster, Moncton, N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Prosser, Prosser Brook
Fred E. Sharp, Norton, N. B.
A. C. Lawson, Fredericton, N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Seelye, Dawson, N.B.
Adelia R. Seelye, The Glades, N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. B. Smith, Grangeville, Kent County
R. Trueman Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N. B.
Mrs. R. Trueman Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N. B.
Wendell Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N.B.
Harold Colpitts, Sunny Brae, N.B.
George A. MacFarlane, Petitcodiac, N. B.
Josie Godard, Petitcodiac, N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Prosser, Prosser Brook
Mrs. C. S. Blakney, Sunny Brae, N. B.
Mrs. W. D. Blakney, Sunny Brae, N. B.
Mrs. L. A. Steeves, Steevescote
Mrs. J. S. Dawson, Dawson
Mrs. G. McLean, Moncton
Mrs. R. B. Colpitts, Moncton
Miss Alice Collier, Moncton, N. B.
Mrs. S. L. Collier, Hillside
Mrs. Frank Caine, Moncton
Miss Mabel Caine, Moncton
W. D. Blakney, Sunny Brae
Walton Colpitts, Colpitts, Albert Co.
Greta Colpitts, Colpitts, Albert Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H  Pollock, Petitcodiac
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prosser, Forest Hill, N. B.
Mrs. Thos. C. Blakney, Sunny Brae
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Colpitts
Henry G. Colpitts
E. John Colpitts
A. Branscombe, Penobsquis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steeves and family
Steward A. Steeves, Boundary Creek
R. S. Colpitts
Nettie B. Colpitts
Myra C. Colpitts
Nettie Colpitts
Caroline Colpitts
Nina E. Colpitts
Dale Colpitts
Harry Colpitts
Russel Colpitts
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Somers and son
H. S. Keith and wife
Miss Lucy Keith
Master Jack Keith
Master Bliss Keith
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dawson, Moncton
Miss Elva F. Dawson, Moncton
Judson Steeves, Steeves Mill, N. B.
Mrs. Judson Steeves, Steeves Mill, N. B.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hoar and son, Elmer, Moncton
Mr. and Mrs. Harris M. Steeves, Salem, A. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. B. McKay, Moncton
And others who were late in registering.

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