Albert County, New Brunswick



Genealogy-related Projects in Albert Co.

Below are descriptions of projects which may be of interest to Albert Co. researchers. Not all of the projects are genealogy projects per se, however I believe you will find that they have elements which will be of interest.

If you have a genealogy-related project which would be of interest to Albert Co. researchers, please send me the details and I will give you space to advertise it. Please send me an email with the words Genealogy-related Project in the Subject field. If you wish to get more information on any of the projects below, you are encouraged to get in touch with the person named as contact in the project descriptions.

Although I regularly test my hyperlinks, I may miss some. As a special favour to me and other readers, would you please notify me of any broken links on these pages.

Germantown Cemetery Restoration Project

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Germantown Baptist Cemetery Trust has been set for Saturday, August 21, 2004 at 12:00 noon at the cemetery.  It is located on Route 114, about 6.5 kilometers from Riverside-Albert.

Please bring your own "picnic style" lunch and beverage.  Don't forget your camp chair !  We have been blessed with good weather for past annual meetings at the site.  We hope you will plan your vacation east to
New Brunswick to include our meeting.   See you there !

Betty Lumsden ......Secretary-Treasurer ......


Some History…

Four years ago interested descendants formed the Germantown Baptist Cemetery Trust, appointing Pearl Barbour (of Waterside, Albert County) President as well as a Board of twelve Directors.

This group held their 3rd annual meeting on August 24, 2002 at the site of the old graveyard which, for more than 60 years, had been left unattended. Local volunteers, under the leadership of James West (Project Manager) donated their machinery and labour to clear the land of much overgrowth. Their accomplishments are impressive!

New stones have been found and repairs made to many others.

The "Trust" applied for and received "tax exempt" status as a registered charity from Revenue

Income tax receipts are available for monetary donations.

Our mailing list of some 60 supporters (descendants and friends) in both Canada and the United States receives a notice of the Annual Meeting and minutes thereof. Additional members are always welcome !

A list of the stones...

BERRYMAN, George & wife Letitia
FILLMORE, William & wife Esther
FULLERTON, Robert & wife Addie
FULLERTON, Alexander & wife Martha
KENNIE, William
KINNE, Willard
, James & wife Narcissa
McCLOSKEY, John & wife Eliza A.
McGEE, Catherine (wife of Hewson)
McGORMAN, James & wife Margaret
McGORMAN, Elizabeth
MILTON, Solomon Pearson
MILTON, Isaac L.
MILTON, Walter D.
MILTON, M. Helena
MURRAY, Agnes (wife of James Paisley)
WILBAND Affa .. daughter of S & M Wilband

Through death certificates on microfilm and data found in records kept by funeral homes, we are led to "believe" the following people were buried here but stones have not been found ....

BERRYMAN, Esther (Woodworth) d 1922
CLARK, Alexander ... d 1926
FULLERTON, Alexander....d 1926
FULLERTON, Eliza J....d 1886
FULLERTON, John .....d 1902
FULLERTON, Jane ....d
FILLMORE, Ruth L ... d 1873
McALLISTER, Alexander ...d 1942
MILTON, John ... d 1926
TINGLEY, Clementine ..d 1894

Germantown Baptist Cemetery Trust  

President, Pearl Barbour, (Waterside N.B.) (506) 887-2720.

Descendants and interested friends are most welcome to visit or participate !

Feel free to contact…  Betty Lumsden - Secretary/Treasurer-

RR 2 - Scotsburn, Nova Scotia   B0K 1R0 / Fax: (902) 485-4002



Camp Whisong - Girl Guides of Canada (Albert Division) Project. Submitted by Kathryn Henderson, Girl Guides of Canada, Albert Division Camp Advisor, Camp Whisong . The following is an excerpt from her text:

The original land grant given to George Miller, in 1828, was for two hundred acres and was shared with Robert Colpitts. The property had originally been petitioned by a John Jonia(?) many years before and had passed through many hands. We have obtained copies of George Miller's original petition for a land grant and the land grant. He served two years nine months in the "New Brunswick ~~ Infantry in Captain Gibbons Company under the command of General Coffin." He was discharged in 1816, when the corps were disbanded. The petition for the land grant was made before William Scott, Justice of the Peace, stating he was a married man "with the means and abiliity to cultivate the land." and that he had already cleared (?) acres of land. It is interesting to note that on the copy of the original land map, the Pollett River, which is the present boundary line for the west side of the property, is written as being "Paulette's River".

The land presently covers 103 acres. The property has had the following owners:
*                    George Miller (1828)
*                    the Bleakney family (1898)
*                    Carl Olsen (1931)
*                    Canadian Farm Board (1931)
*                    the Arthur Harrison family (1936)
*                    the Colpitts family (1947)
*                    and finally Albert Division Girl Guides (1960). 

(21 February 2000.) Received this update from Kathryn Henderson on her project.

Our fundraising is progressing. We have received a $10,000.00 grant to cover 1/2 of the estimated cost of a new basement. Our trees are being harvested as we speak (write?) and will cover the cost of the new roof. The roofing materials are being donated at contractor's cost, all new storm windows have been donated and installed, access to the swimming area improved, new cook stoves and new fireplaces on each campsite, and we planted an acre of spruce seedlings. Although much is still to be done, we have had two organizations offer volunteer labour for cleanup this spring.    

Our camping numbers are up, with Scouts Canada renting out the property adding to our numbers. We have had our first of three scheduled winter camps, there has been no winter camping for 5 years due to lack of interest. This summer we have three weekends and one full week spoken for to hold various family reunions.  

We now have our own web page and email address. Check out the pictures and write up at   email;   Your site has sent two inquires our way. One was from the daughter of a camper in the 1930's at the American campsite behind Camp Whisong. It was accessed through our property, and troops from New York camped here each summer. They arrived, via train, at Bleakney Station located near the end of the driveway. We use the old railway bed as a hiking trail.  

We are continually researching our history, so are thankful for your site for it's assistance.

Kathryn Henderson

Comments? Corrections? Info to share?

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