Albert County, New Brunswick
|Where is Albert County? |Place names |History|
From the NB GenWeb Provincial Co-ordinator
|Surname Interests|
County Resources
- Family Reunions
- Updated Announcements of upcoming reunions
- Updated Accounts of reunions already held:
- Colpitts 1900
- Colpitts 1910 (Handbill to advertise reunion)
- Colpitts 1915
- Colpitts 1920
- Colpitts 1928
- Colpitts 1930
- 2000 Leaman/Leeman Reunion. Visit Dan Leaman's web pages to see an account of the reunion held at Dorchester, NB in August 2000.
- History The origins of Albert Co.
- Homepages with Albert Co. Roots See if you have common ancestors with these family web page owners. Find such names as Akerley, Cairns, Steeves, McKinley, Rossiter, Beck, Douthrite, Jonah, King, Leaman, Lutz, Mitton, Smith, Snowdon, Sweet, Wilbur and Wortman.
- New Entry - Cemetery Transcriptions Steeves Cemetery, Steevescote Road Albert Co. NB. Caledonia Cemetery, Caledonia Mountain, NB. Germantown Cemetery Point Wolfe Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery, Point Wolfe (Fundy Park) Albert Co. NB.
Albert County Place names.
- Resource Lookup service now available. These kind people have offered to do name lookups in books and material they own. Do you own a book(s) that you would be willing to help researchers with by doing lookups for them? Check out this link.
- Popular tourist attractions in Albert County.
Links to Interesting Sites (not associated with this Albert Co. GenWeb page)
- A great place to find NB and Albert Co. resources NB Gen Links - Researching New Brunswick... start here!
- Village of Alma, New Brunswick, Canada
- Albert Mines: Heritage Resources A terrific site under the heading Heritage Resouces, Saint John. Learn about the infamous mineral "Albertite", the battle for its mining rights, and its use leading to the invention of kerosene. The story includes scandal, name calling, and a host of colorful characters, including the world renown geologist Abraham Gesner.
- Bank of Canada has a database of unclaimed bank account balances from Canadian banks. Did you forget to close out your accounts when you moved? Find out how to claim that balance!
- Books of Remembrance contain the names of Canadians who fought in wars and died either during or after them.
- BostonStatesindex The Boston States Migration Page. Resources to track families migrating between the Canadian Eastern Provinces, New England and New York through the centuries.
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission This commerative site contains the names of those who died in WWI and WWII while a member of the armed forces of a British Commonwealth country. A wonderful piece of work and one truly worth visiting.
- Cyndi's Canadian Sites
- FreshAir Adventure - Museums in Albert County
- FreshAir Adventure - Place Names and Their Stories
- Genforum on Surnames "GenForum is a conglomeration of message boards (some people call them queries, we call them forums). Anyone can post to these forums and immediately have their data shared with other researchers. From our home page, you can access our over 8200 forums devoted to specific surnames, states, countries, and general topics."
- Hillsborough - Village website
- New Brunswick Newspapers New Brunswick Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Querying Canadian Geographical Names
- Riverview Fire & Rescue and Town Of Riverview web sites
- William Henry Steeves House
- Times & Transcript Moncton daily newspaper
- Yorkshire Settlers
- Check out G. M. Ripley's Y O R K S H I R E · E M I G R A T I O N To Nova Scotia, 1772-1775 for information on Families of the Yorkshire Emigration including Ship Lists.
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This page last updated 10 December, 2005
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